Thursday, 5 June 2008

PDA - Digital Content Blog

You know I love all things web and so as you can imagine, I love this blog! I especially like the elevator pitch feature, it's a bit like Killer Start-ups but less often so easier to keep up with. Great for showing me what new ideas are out there and where technology and start ups are moving.

Interestingly, Twitter (what is that? I'll let Lee LeFever show you) is the service so many people are creating platforms and services for. I have signed up for it, just to find out what it's about. You can follow all sorts of people, even me if you want! I'm following, amongst other the Mars Phoenix Lander, which 'tweets' about itself in the first person, so lovable!

Anyhow, could you pitch your start up on their elevator pitch feature? Could you answer their questions?

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