Typical, get all preachy about making regular contact with people and then get too busy to practise it! Sorry.
It's been a busy few days, the end of last week saw the SPEED project at NTU being audited, which was fairly painless. Thanks to Kawsar www.digicomsolutions.com and Marc www.eyetxt.com for answering questions and standing up to a bit of stick from our visitor!

Then the bank holiday came and went with wind, rain and chilly nights. I know this because a thin piece of nylon was all that stood between me and the elements. Yes, that's right we went camping, like the fools we were. Oh , we knew the forecast, but hoped against hope that it was wrong.
Today I am putting together a project file for our local SPEED Project, not the most scintillating task, but it has to be done.
I must say I am proud of NTU's presence on the SPEED project website www.speedproject.ac.uk, our fellows directory entries look very impressive. If you feel your listing could be improved, just email me any text, images or hyperlinks that you want putting on, as I have to upload the info.
A Staffs SPEED student has posted what may be a useful link onto the message board there. you will need to log in to view the message board. I'm not going to tell you what the link is, find it yourself!
June will hopefully be a busy month, with new SPEEDsters joining us and a workshop timetable starting. We have a module on the VLP now, which I am trying to populate. Any recommended texts, websites and questions gratefully recieved. The website, VLP module, blog and facebook group http://notttr.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2535691211 will only be as useful as you make them.
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