Thursday, 6 March 2008

Website updates

I've spent most of the day uploading new things onto the SPEED project website. The web team, led by the hard working Clair Hameed, have been adding a new search facility to the Fellow's directory. Click the picture to go there...

I'd really like to think that this work is worthwhile, we have the resources available to us, but how much do we think of trying a new ways to source new suppliers or make new contacts. Phil has a saying ...never close the door. He usually means that he is open to staying in touch with people even when the working relationship is over. It pays to make and keep good networks.

I'd like to stretch that metaphor a little you even notice when people are holding the door open for you? By that I mean, do we make the most of our networking opportunities? For example, on SPEED at NTU we have a partnership called Rapid Renders (guys, if you had your website up and running I'd link to it!). They make realistic 3D drawings (they call them renders I think) for design businesses.

Are you creating a product and need a design team to draw it up for you? Or are you in need of a logo design, website, advice on branding and market research? I bet there's a SPEED company that could help...

So how do you find out about these useful people? First, always listen when people tell you what they are doing. Sound simple? Picture the scene, you are sat in a seminar room and the group leader asks you to introduce yourselves. Normally you will sit worrying about what you are going to say, so that afterwards you realise you don't know anyone's name let alone their business idea.

Try this - as others are speaking, note down their name and maybe one or two words. I find it easier to note them down on the paper in the positions they are sitting around the table. I can then associate their face with the name. It's also a useful tool for coming back to during the seminar, as you can put a star by anyone you think you should get to know.

I can't say I always practice what I preach though. Yesterday at our 'team away day', I sat at the table and watched twenty people introduce themselves and could only recall the eight I already knew.

So, the fellow's directory. Use it, it's like an introduction to other companies that you don't have to memorise!



Oh, and make sure your businesses entry reflects what you can offer others!

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