For those starting web based businesses I thought this web based book worth a look, Mike Huxley at the Hive@Mansfield put me onto it, thanks Mike!
It's actually called 'I hate my website!' - which is actually something I hear quite alot. Gotta confess though, I hear it most often from people who've done it on the cheap. That leads me neatly to Toby's quote of the day... 'You buy cheap, you buy twice!'
Think about it, it's true. Websites designed and made by mates can be tempting, especially when cash is in short supply. But consider this, your friend may start with good intentions, but as time passes other things could get in the way, things that earn them more money. What about the guilt you may feel in constantly asking them to make amendments in their spare time? How would you feel if they totally wreck your branding?
Talking of guilty, I feel bad that I failed to update this blog since I went to V. Not because I had such an amazing time I lost ability to type, just because the mud fouled up the typing fingers!